Castor Connect 2022.2 release notes
Table of Contents
Planned release date: 18 August 2022
Repeatable Surveys
Survey packages can now be configured as ‘Repeatable’ within the survey package configuration UI. Applying this to a survey package will make, after being completed once, available for re-completion in a new ‘as needed’ activities list in the Castor Connect app.
Re-submitting a survey package will create a brand new instance of the survey - making it perfect for ‘log’ style question that are to be completed by a participant as and when they need it e.g. a reaction or bleed diary.
Resumable Surveys
Survey packages can now be configured as ‘Resumable’ within the survey package configuration UI. Applying this to a survey package will allow participants to leave and resume (or restart) a survey package at any point prior to expiry. This can be helpful for lengthy, but not time-sensitive assessments.
‘As needed’ surveys
As mentioned above, an ‘As needed’ list has been added to the app UI. If you mark a survey package as ‘As needed’, it will appear in this list by default - separate from the main surveys/study activities. This may be useful for distinguishing between mandatory and discreationary tasks on a study.
Improved photo capture field
The camera field has been revised to include flash, autofocus, zoom and camera-switching options.
Minor changes and updates
- Minor error message improvements for clarity.