Add or update an email address in a participant in CDMS
Email addresses can be linked directly to participants, which enables you to send surveys to subjects. The email attached to a participant will be pre-populated in any survey invitations created for that participant.
Having an email address attached to a participant is a prerequisite to be able to send mass survey invites. You can still change the email address in the survey invitations if necessary.
You need Email rights (alongside the Add/Edit/View rights) to be able to add and view an email address to a participant.
- Go to the 'Participants' tab.
- Click on the three dots next to a participant and choose 'Update email address'. You can also use this to change the existing email address entered by the participant.
- You will be prompted to re-enter your password. Enter the same password you use for logging in.
- If there is no email address in the participant, the email line will be empty and you can simply add the address. If the participant already contains an email address, the current address will be shown and you can change it:
- If the participant already contains survey invitations, then you will be asked whether you want to update the email address saved in the existing survey invitations:
If you select "Yes, use the new participant email address", then all existing survey invitations will be updated with the new email address. This is necessary, for example, if the invitations are scheduled for the future or if you want to resend existing invitations to the new email address.
If you select "No, keep the existing email address", then the old email address will be kept in the existing survey invitations, but the new address will be used in all future ones.
You can add email addresses to multiple participants at once by doing a bulk import.
Email addresses are saved in an encrypted fashion, adding extra safety to the storage of this sensitive information.
Adding and viewing the email address linked to any participant is captured as an event in the audit trail.